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SENDCo Details

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Miss Whittaker who can be contacted via senco@callandsprimary.co.uk. This email is managed by the SENDCo admin assistant, Mrs Walker-Wiggans.          

Mrs Giblin is the SEND Governor who can be contacted via office@callandsprimary.co.uk

SEND at Callands

Callands Community Primary Schools’ leaders construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), the knowledge, vocabulary, transferable concepts and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. The curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. All learners study the full curriculum, ‘specialising’ only when necessary.

When delivering the curriculum, Callands Community Primary Schools’ teaching staff provide high-quality teaching and learning for all pupils. Teachers have developed a repertoire of strategies that they can use flexibly in response to individual needs and use these as a starting point for classroom teaching for all pupils, including those with SEND. The strategies embrace: scaffolding, explicit instruction, technology, cognitive and metacognitive strategies and flexible grouping.

Effective teaching for pupils with SEND at Callands Community Primary School consists of a climate of positive interactions between teachers and pupils and among peers; additional teaching (e.g. teaching more structured steps towards a learning goal); and the use of different strategies (e.g. the use of graphic organisers, mnemonics and learning scaffolds).

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy

Governor Reports

The governor for SEND, Mrs Giblin, meets with the SENDCo termly. A record of these can be found below.

SEND Peer to Peer Reviews

Callands takes part in a 2-year cycle of peer to peer reviews led by trained reviewers, such as Special School Leaders, Quality Assurance SENDCos, Designated Provision Leaders and Lead Practitioners for Inclusion. A record of these can be found below.

Useful Resources

Please find some resources that may be useful to you below.

ADDvanced Solutions

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers children, young people and their families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, specific learning difficulties and associated mental health needs. They provide engaging, community-based, learning, coaching and mentoring programmes. For more details you can visit www.addvancedsolutions.co.uk or ring them on 01925320863.

If you are interested in such programmes and workshops, the following link takes you to the Warrington ADDvanced Solutions calendar where you can find possible dates and times: What's on in Warrington | ADDvanced Solutions. If you select the pink FLP square it will present you with a link where you can register for the programme.

If you would like to access this service and prefer support when booking this, then please feel free to contact Miss Whittaker or Mrs Walker-Wiggans via email - senco@callandsprimary.co.uk.

Warrington Parents and Carers Forum

Warrington Parents and Carers Forum is a voluntary group of enthusiastic, dedicated and experienced parents, carers, grandparents and family members of children and young people aged of 0-25 years with disabilities and additional needs. For more details you can visit www.warrpac.org or ring them on 07376722719.

Local Offer - SEND

Warrington’s new local offer is now live on warrington.gov.uk.


Warrington’s Local Offer has lots of information about help and support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. The Local Offer is for Warrington’s children and young people, and their parents and carers.

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